Every Brand Should Take Note of these Facebook Live Stats

The Social Media Game was changed forever when Facebook launched Facebook Live for the users on April 6, 2016. It has enabled more than a billion people on the social network to go Live from any part of the world, anytime. Being just a year old, Facebook Live has risen as a dominant platform for all sorts of media posted on the news feed of Facebook, utilised by the media publishers of the top pages on the world’s largest social network. If you...

Seven Beneficial Reasons for using “Facebook Live” for Business

For the purpose of social media marketing, different forms of content such as text, images, video, and live streaming have a varied effect on the audience engagement. Nonetheless, the motive of brands is to expeditiously engage their audience in the most effective manner. For the same purpose, many brands have adopted Facebook Live streaming as a social media marketing strategy. However, the question to ask is how useful live streaming services c...

Some of the biggest Social Media Campaign Fails!

Marketing is a tricky concept but is an equally indispensable approach for any brand to grow in the market today. In that context, social media plays a vital role in modern marketing strategies. Where it takes a series of befitting and intriguing social media campaigns to build a striking brand image in the market, there, just one out of the line content campaign, can turn out to be a major NO-NO for the brand and can Boomerang back at you. And t...

As a part of their #Breathless Campaign on twitter, brand Mirinda came up with an idea of fusing two of the most enticing concepts of this new (and mostly ‘online’) generation – flash mobs & social network - and delivered an effective brand engagement opportunity. Whether you like it or not, flash mobs are here to stay. Few years of from its inception, this idea spread faster than forest fire to become a common trend and nowadays you c...

How essential are Social Media Icon Sets?

Social networking is an unfathomably powerful apparatus for sharing substance, boosting popularity, enhancing site design improvement, and getting found on the web. It is a viral method for showcasing and also corresponding with your clients.  With advancements of online innovations, social networking is presently all around, changing the way human collaborates. Thus, demands for social media icons are raised within web community especially web ...

More than 300 Million Monthly Active Users, 75 Million daily active users and 70 Millions of photos being uploaded daily says something, doesn’t it? Back in 2010, nobody would have thought that Instagram would become a huge entity within such short span of time. A small idea which took origin five years ago grew into a humongous social phenomenon where people are actively sharing their pictorial moments with the world. Started as an iPhone-only...